Tag: maturation
Simpler AVF maturation criteria lead to similar outcomes, say researchers
Maturation of an arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) fails to occur for 20–60% of patients who have one created for haemodialysis access, and there is a...
Severe obesity linked to lower AVF maturation rates
Researchers behind a new study published in the Annals of Vascular Surgery, among them lead author Laura Anderson and corresponding author Benjamin Brooke (both...
EndoAVF maturation rates “similar” to surgical but bolstered by reinterventions
Published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS), new research by Theodore H Yuo (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA) and others has...
Angioplasty-assisted maturation effective “even for small cephalic veins”
It has been suggested by some, such as Khalid Bashar (University Hospital Limerick, Limerick, Ireland) et al in the International Journal of Surgery in...
A call to arms: Reuse of mature venous conduits urged
“Recycle that vein!”—that was the appeal from the authors of a new study that trialled the explantation of mature arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) from patients...
AVGs “a better choice” than AVF when veins are marginal
A new study in the Journal of Vascular Access (JVA) has found that, while arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) that do not require assistance to mature...