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Thrombectomy gold rush set to follow ATTRACT study, experts argue

At the recent Endo Vascular Access (EVA) meeting (14–15 June, Patras, Greece), Renal Interventions editorial board member Ziv Haskal (University of Virginia School of...

The role of the EVA meeting and what we are trying...

Dimitrios Karnabatidis, Konstantinos Katsanos, and Panos Kitrou (University of Patras, Patras, Greece), the directors of the Endo Vascular Access (EVA) meeting, together write about...


 Matteo Tozzi (Varese, Italy) and Kate Steiner (Stevenage, UK) sat down with Vascular News at this year’s Charing Cross (CX) International Symposium (23–25 April, London, UK) to provide their thoughts on the latest findings from the IN.PACT AV Access...

Debbie Brouwer-Maier

Gerald Beathard

Vandana Dua Niyyar