Tag: radiocephalic fistulas
PINCH trial: First blinded RCT finds preoperative forearm exercises increase target...
In a recent research letter published in the European Journal of Vascular and EndovascuÂlar Surgery, a group of researchers—led by Koen van der Bogt...
Brachiocephalic AVFs not superior to radiocephalic for tunnelled catheter patients
The results of a new study in the Annals of Vascular Surgery suggest that patients who also have a tunnelled dialysis catheter (TDC) do...
Largest real-world experience to date with VasQ device indicates long-term benefits...
The VasQ external support device (Laminate Medical) has demonstrated long-term benefits for radiocephalic (forearm) arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation in a retrospective analysis of 150...