Cibiltech begins enrolment for clinical trial monitoring kidney transplant patients using artificial intelligence


Cibiltech has announced that the first patient has been enrolled in the CIBIL (Clinical impact of the iBox as an early intervention tool) study, a prospective randomised controlled trial to assess the use of a software predicting allograft survival in the follow-up of kidney transplant patients, according to a press release.

Cibiltech claims this marks the beginning of a”first-of-its-kind” clinical trial conducted in Europe evaluating a digital health solution.

Predigraft is a CE-marked class 2a medical device offering physicians and hospitals an easy-to-use platform that simplifies access to data and decision-making, the release adds. Predigraft embeds the iBox algorithm, a unique artificial intelligence-based technology predicting individual, long-term kidney allograft survival.

“We are excited to start recruitment in the CIBIL study,” stated Carmen Lefaucheur (Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris, France).

”Following promising preliminary results, we are now looking forward to seeing the clinical benefits of using the iBox as an early intervention monitoring tool for kidney transplanted patients,” added Alexandre Loupy, head of the Paris Transplant Group.


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